Interior L - founders of loyalty

The interior of the new headquarters L-founders of loyalty

Transforming a former KPN telephone building into the new headquarters for L - founders of loyalty represents our most comprehensive assignment to date. Our mission was clear: 'Creating the most beautiful and pleasant office in the Netherlands.' An office with a sustainable future, eight floors each with its own character, a beautifully renovated facade, a welcoming entrance, and where inspiring each other takes center stage. Over two years, we guided this project from demolition to styling, and the result speaks for itself!

Explore on this page the interior of all eight floors!

You can view the entire project here!

  • Client: L - founders of loyalty
  • Location: ’s Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands
  • Commission: Design and construction guidance, exterior, interior, architectural interior and materialization, repurposing, custom furniture, furnishings, upholstery, acoustics, lighting, interior planting
  • Space to: Work
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Interior with


                    global atmospheres

The entire complex consists of 8 floors, one building consists of 3 floors and the other 5 floors in total. To create the desired level of hospitality and homely feeling, we gave each floor its own unique ‘vibe’. Taking Loyalty's international playing field as our starting point, we sought inspiration from various world cuisines. Latin passion, Californian wine, and Asian and Italian flavors quickly came to the fore. Later, more subdued themes such as American Industrial, Japanese serenity, and Dutch simplicity followed.

By primarily using natural materials, we were able to play with atmospheres that seamlessly blend into each other. For example, you will find furniture of the same design, but executed in different materials and colors. Or floors of the same wood type, but laid in a different pattern. In our designs, we generally opt for high-quality upholstery, fabrics, and furniture that you could also have at home. We believe that the user recognizes quality and therefore attaches more value to it.

Curious about these floors? View them below!

Click on the image for more information and photos per floor.

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