American Industrial

Right building I 3rd floor

Gym | Conference rooms | Flex work desks | Storage

A floor where design concepts can be worked out down to the smallest details. The layout is primarily focused on collaboration, brainstorming, creating mood boards, sketching designs, testing products, and collecting materials. There is a need for furniture that can withstand wear and tear and cabinets where samples and materials can be stored. In addition, you need to be able to make noise here without being disturbed. An environment where creativity is encouraged and visible.

The American Dream

The concrete jungle, Silicon Valley, and Texas ranches are examples of places where hard work is done in America. But the typical American cuisine with dishes like burgers, mac and cheese, and hotdogs also inspired us to dedicate a floor to The United States. It became American Industrial. It is a place where entrepreneurship, innovation, and creativity are given space.

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Industrial style

We used robust materials such as wood, steel, and leather. No finished ceilings, but visible concrete structure and pipes. Pop art, steel stools, and sturdy lighting emphasize the industrial atmosphere. The long corridor wall, with leather elements and acoustic value, has the appearance of a robust brick wall. It supports the industrial character of the floor without losing sight of the class and style of the entire building.

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A gym for creative minds

Creativity is enhanced by alternating rest with physical exertion. That's why we also created a fully equipped gym on this floor. The special flooring absorbs the shock of the exercise equipment. The space is soundproofed, so people can work up a sweat to the beat of upbeat music. In the adjacent showers, you can wash away the sweat. And then get straight back to work.


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