The space where you feel at home does not stop when you close the door behind you.

That is why we do not choose between the outside or the inside and between living or working, for example. The exterior, interior, surroundings, lighting, smell, atmosphere, and the feeling a space gives you: everything can blend in and be hybrid in a well-functioning and pleasant space.

Team Voss Architecture design

Voss Architecture is

your master builder

We consider each awarded commissioning a new masterpiece, in which we always seek depth within all aspects of our profession. From the initial conversations to identify your needs to the designing, building, and styling activities. Because only when we stay in control of the entire process we create your optimal space.


"The image of an architect who sits around sketching all day is inaccurate. Being able to actually realize what you have sketched is what’s important to the client."


"We transform spaces both outside and inside, and additionally, we also handle the styling; at Voss Architecture and Meneer Voss, it's the same people doing the work."


"I love to create a pleasantly functional yet beautiful living or working environment based on the client's wishes, exceeding their expectations.”


"If I were looking for an architect, I would without a doubt hire us. We always go for the highest goals possible.”


"I could never be an architect in the narrow sense of the word. Figuring out on-site how something technically fits satisfies me just as much as designing nine entire apartments.”


"Everyone has their own passion and role within a project. When you put that work together, it always becomes a unity."


"Being involved from the beginning so that you also understand the process details when working on the finishing touches. That works incredibly well."


"It is always a delight to see and experience that we manage to surprise our clients with a gorgeous design every time."


"Our thoughtful work process with deliberate attention to detail ensures a seamless transition from your idea to reality."


"We design our furniture ourselves and collaborate with other brands to create unique and stylish interior products. We always work on transformation and inspiration."


"We are somewhat headstrong, but only in the good sense of the word. Voss Architecture will always meet the client’s wishes, but with a little twist. A little more surprising than expected."

Building a pleasant vibe

We don't work with a standard blueprint or copies of previously developed ideas. In our eyes, that never suits a client. We start from scratch each time, but with the vast experience of previous projects. So that our clients see their own wishes reflected in the result.

Office Voss Architecture team Eindhoven

"Looking critically at existing buildings is even more challenging than putting up something totally new. An existing building can bring out characterful and fantastic ideas."

Bert Voss - Voss Architecture


Details are essential. They add class to any space. We don't necessarily work from themes or concepts, but from the feeling and desires of the every project, we consider the right materials, colors, and shapes to suit the atmosphere and use of the space. Thoughtfully crafted down to the smallest details.

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Sustainability is the unifying thread in our work

We aim for the highest achievable in everything. Whether we apply sustainable (building) techniques in our designs, look for suppliers of durable materials, or our relationship with our clients.

We are proficient in creating something completely new, but we also know how to create the optimal design for an existing space. Sustainability starts with optimal utilization of the existing

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Project management

Every project begins the same, with an introduction and an inventory of your wishes. The further course of the project is tailored to your preferences and the availability of cooperation partners and the budget.

Our expertise lies in designing what you have in mind as well as in actually creating it. We translate your wishes in a realistic manner.