Ladies’ Boutique Ten

Colorful tranquility in a unique ladies' boutique

From a dated and cramped shop to a colorful and vibrant ladies' boutique, this project was a special assignment where one thing was clear from the start: the clothing store had to be distinctive, reflecting the stylish and chic clothing brands it sells. By implementing three color palettes and dividing the store into three different functions, we have created a structured space that, despite the abundance of colors, brings a sense of peace to the store.

  • Client: Ladies' Boutique Ten
  • Location: Schijndel, Netherlands
  • Project Scope: Design and construction supervision, exterior, architectural interior and materialization, custom furniture, furnishings, lighting, upholstery
  • Space to: Relax
Front resultaat
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At the street side, we have placed a custom-made piece of furniture designed by us, which serves as a reception desk, payment point, and a place for the gentlemen to wait for their shopping partners on comfortable bar stools while enjoying a drink.

Front desk 14mm resultaat

In the heart of the store, you'll find the fitting rooms. The combination of red curtains, lights around the mirrors, and golden wallpaper creates the Burlesque atmosphere that the clients envisioned. The space above the clothing racks is adorned with colorful wallpaper; the lower part has a serene appearance, allowing the clothes to shine.

Changing rooms 4 resultaat

"In terms of color use, we were allowed to go wild by the enthusiastic clients, but we had to ensure that the garments got the attention they deserve."

Bert Voss - Voss Architecture

Rear boutique resultaat



We chose to align the materials of the store as much as possible with the clothing that takes center stage. Thus, deep colors have been used in the interior finishes, with beautiful and unique patterns recurring throughout. As a result, the garments naturally become part of the whole and, together with the store, form a unique shopping experience. It has become a unique store where the customer is surprised by the luxurious atmosphere that permeates the entire interior. Stylish, meticulously crafted down to the smallest details.

Blue wallpaper resultaat
Changing rooms 2 resultaat

Curious about the article in the Excellent magazine? 

Check it out here! 

Front resultaat
Front desk 14mm resultaat
Changing rooms 4 resultaat
Rear boutique resultaat
Blue wallpaper resultaat
Changing rooms 2 resultaat