Villa Noord-Brabant

Creating homely comfort in a grand villa

For this villa on a stunning estate in North Brabant, we have designed the entire interior. A wonderful assignment to ensure that a large house also remains a pleasant place to live!

  • Location: Eersel, Netherlands
  • Project Scope: Design and construction guidance, architectural interior and materialization, custom furniture, furnishings, lighting, upholstery
  • Space to: Live
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A home, regardless of its form or size, should primarily be a pleasant place to live. In this regard, a large house is not necessarily advantageous. Often, it is challenging to maintain homely warmth in a house larger than average.

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In this project, a comfortable living environment was created by clearly dividing the house into different rooms with different functions. From dining room to spa and from cinema to children's bedroom; each room retains its own character within the overarching theme of comfort and warmth. In addition, by consciously choosing a balanced palette of warm materials, we have retained the warmth and coziness that are essential for a pleasant living environment.

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“A home should above all be a pleasant place to live”

Bert Voss - Voss Architecture

Furniture and details

From built-in cabinets to staircase railings, everything in this house is specially designed and crafted. As a result, the furniture may vary in atmosphere and material from room to room, yet there remains cohesion throughout the entire residence. Specific preferences were carefully integrated into the interior design of each space, with the client at the heart of this process!

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More impressions:

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